Luxor temple is the most significant religious Egyptian temple that was built by Amenhotep III. Its construction was completed by King Tutankhamun and Horemheb. It is located on the east bank of the Nile River in Luxor city, which was known as Thebes. Here all things need to know about Luxor temple:

Luxor Temple
Luxor temple was considered, “The Place of the First Occasion“, where the god Amun experienced rebirth during the pharaoh’s annually reenacted coronation ceremony and it was dedicated to the renewal of kingship. Behind the temple, there are chapels built by Amenhotep III of the 18th Dynasty, and Alexander. The temple was a legionary fortress and the home of the Roman government in the area during the Roman era.
The History of Luxor Temple
The construction of Luxor Temple started in the 14th century during the reign of Amenhotep III and Horemheb & Tutankhamun added columns, statues, and friezes. Akhenaten installed a shrine to the Aten instead of his father’s cartouches. The first major expansion of the Temple occurred after the first construction with about 200 years by Ramses II that is why Luxor temple is a unique destination for having only two pharaohs, who contributed into its construction.
The statues of Mut “The War Goddess“, Khons “The Moon God“, and Amun were sailed down the river to Karnak every year to ensure the flooding of the Nile. Luxor temple was largely buried underneath the accumulated river silt with the Arab conquest and Abu Haggag Mosque is at the top of this courtyard which is the main reason for discovering Luxor temple.
The Purpose of Building Luxor Temple
Luxor has always been a very important religious center for the ancient Egyptians. Luxor Temple, which is located near the banks of the Nile, was dedicated to God Amun, who was associated with Mut and the Theban Triad. It is considered to be one of the most impressive visits in Luxor because of its structure and its relief carvings.
The Construction of Luxor Temple
This magnificent temple was built with sandstone from Gebel El-Silsila. This sandstone was referred to as Nubian sandstone that was used for the construction of monuments in Upper Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians had a common technique in the construction of monuments, which was symbolism or illusionism, for example, a sanctuary shaped like an Anubis Jackal was really Anubis for them. There are two Obelisks at Luxor Temple, which have different height but they give the illusion that they have.
Opet Festival at Luxor Temple
Luxor temple has always been known as a sign for Opet Festival as the temple was dedicated to the Theban Triad of the cult of the Royal Ka, Amun, Mut, and Khonsu. It was built during the New Kingdom of Egypt, the focus of the annual Opet Festival, in which a cult statue of Amun was paraded down the Nile from nearby Karnak Temple to stay with his consort Mut in a fertility celebration.
What You Can See Inside Luxor Temple
Luxor temple is huge and has several pylons. The first pylon is more than 70 feet high that was built by Ramses II and it is fronted by massive statues and several obelisks. This pylon is decorated with scenes from Ramses military triumph. There are many areas, which were used for worship purposes. There are also other additions such as a shrine of Alexander the great, and a Roman sanctuary. The causeway of the entrance is linked by many sphinxes, which is known by the sacred way or the Avenue of sphinxes.
There are six colossal statues of Ramses in the entrance of this astonishing temple. Four of these statues were seated and two were standing but only two seated statues have survived. There is a Hypostyle Hall, which was the first room of the Opet temple. There is also a surviving granite obelisk that is about 25 meters high. A peristyle courtyard was built by Ramses II. After crossing the courtyard, there is processional colonnade, which was built by Amenhotep III that is lined by 14 papyrus-capital columns.
There is another peristyle courtyard, which also dates back to Amenhotep’s construction. There is a Barque shrine that was built for Amun by Alexander and the Birth shrine of Amenhotep III with scenes of his symbolic divine birth. The last chamber inside the temple is called the Sanctuary of Amenhotep III, which was considered the most sacred chamber inside the temple.
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What Should I Wear While Being in Egypt?
You should wear whatever you want. It is advised to wear something light from cotton or linen, comfortable and put on sunblock during your time in Egypt in the summer and wear comfortable footwear like a closed-toe shoe to sustain the sandy terrain.
What to Pack for Your Egypt Tour?
You should bring a brimmed hat and sunglasses if you not used to the Egyptian sun &pack everything you could ever need and put in a small bag so you could move easily between your destinations.
Are All Nile Cruises Available at Any Time?
Yes, it is available all years. as the Nile from Aswan to Luxor takes three to four days of sailing on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the total cost of 600$ and the Nile cruise from Luxor to Aswan take four to five days in Saturday, Monday and Thursday for the coast of 650$.
Why book Trips in Egypt?
We have experience in vacation planning for more than 10 years & our staff consists of the most professional operators, guides and drivers who dedicate all of their time & effort create the perfect vacation. All of our tours are customized by Travel, Financial & Time advisors to fit your every possible need during your time in egypt. we always keep in mind that your safety & comfort are our main priority until you return home.
Is it safe to travel to Egypt?
Yes, it is absolutely safe to travel to egypt, You will feel secure in Egypt as the current atmosphere of the country is very peaceful after the government took powerful measures like restructuring the entire tourist police to include all the important and tourist attractions in Egypt and construct an entire environment dedicated for ensuring the lives of all tourists.
What are Egypt's Visa Requirements?
They are very simples, If you want to apply for a Visa On Arrival that lasts for 30 days then you should be one of the eligible countries(check the link), have a valid passport with at least 6 months remaining and pay 25$ USD entry fee in cash. As for the E-Visa for 30 days, you should have a valid passport for at least 8 months, complete the online application, pay the e-visa fee then print the e-visa to later be presented to the airport border guard. You could be one of the countries eligible for a free visa for 90 days.
What is the Weather is Like?
The temperature of Egypt ranges from 37c to 14 c, Summer in Egypt is somehow hot and winter is cool and mild but sometimes it becomes cold at night. The average of low temperatures vary from 9.5 ¡ÆC in the wintertime to 23 ¡ÆC in the summertime and average high temperatures vary from 17 ¡ÆC in the wintertime to 32 ¡ÆC in the summertime while the temperature is moderate all along the coasts.
What is the Best Time of Visit Egypt?
It is known the best time to travel to Egypt is in the winter from September to April as the climate becomes a bit tropical, a warm atmosphere with a winter breeze. You will also be notified a week before your trip if the weather is unsafe or if any changes have been made.
Should I Give Tips in Egypt?
It is totally up to you, but if you choose to you can tip the servers at your restaurant 5-10% by handing it to them directly and 5 Egyptian Pounds as a general tip of anyone.
Can I Enter the Pyramids?
Yes, you can enter the pyramids for the small fee of 20$.
How to Enjoy Egypt During Ramadan?
Ramadan is a special time of year for Muslims that should be celebrated by non-Muslims and feel the essence of the Islamic culture. You can fast with the Muslim or just observe but you are always welcome to join the celebrations and festivals.
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